Zopa demand figures

Lenders at Zopa do not (yet) select an individual borrower but rather select a market and a rate at which they want to lend their money. This is matched to borrower demand and if a match is found, money is lend out.

There is a 3rd party site tracking the development of the Zopa demand volume and charting it (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly). Recently the amount requested has gone down in most markets.



Short urls to link to prosper listings, loans and groups

Based on an idea from frequencydip and using code first implemented by zieri of zierious.com I just added short urls, which are much easier to remember and do not use that much space in forum signatures or elsewhere.

Everybody can now use the following short URLs:

This URLs instantly without delay redirect to the prosper.com pages.

New group promotion tool for prosper group leaders

Wiseclerk today released the prototype of a group promotion tool to be used for marketing purposes on websites.

The prototype displays all open listings of a given group. They look roughly like this:

Example display for group "Apple User Group":
prosper group promotion tool example

Example display for group "ProsperLenders":
prosper group promtotion tool

However this is only a picture. To see the full function, which includes automatic links to each of the listings check the the example in the upper right on this website (point the mouse over a listing).
The display will automatically update daily.
Be aware that while width is fixed, height of display will automatically change according to number of open listings. Therefore placement should be carefully selected, e.g. in left or right bar of a website.

To get the code for your website go here:

As mentioned, this is a prototype.
I did choose a rather simple layout, allowing for the group leader to put his own headline above it, or to choose a border, or to place a prosper button alongside.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome!


New signature tool with prosper data available

Yesterday the new lender signatures were introduced by wiseclerk.com. Based on an idea from  nonattender this new tool allows to transform key lender stats figures into an image, which can be used in a posters signature at the prosper forum.

Example of the image (size decreased, original is larger):

wiseclerk prosper lender stats image example

The image shows the amount invested, the current number of loans, the roles and, if the lender is in the top 500 the rank by money invested.

Once created the images will update daily automatically.

The discussion thread on this new tool was a hot topic. After several suggestions, a couple of hours later a further signature tool, this time for the borrowers was offered.

Example of borrower signature (size decreased, original is larger):

Wiseclerk prosper borrower signature image

We will see how this further develops.

Borrower signature – workaround for Firefox users

Firefox users have been experiencing some useability problems with creating the new wiseclerk borrower signatures with the prosper lender stats.

Here is the workaround:
Step 1: Enter lender name on the signature creation page.
Step 2: Wait for up to a minute. IGNORE the error message Firefox displays.
Step 3: Copy this code into your forum signature:
[URL=http://www.wiseclerk.com] [IMG]https://www.p2p-banking.com/jpg/screenname.png[/IMG][/URL]
Step 4: Replace screenname with your prosper screen name

You are done. Sorry for the inconvience. Any help by experienced Firefox programmers is appreciated