UPDATED: Kiva states in an email that this action returned 10 million US$ from partially repaid loans to lender accounts – available now for re-lending.
In the past Kiva used to credit repayments to the lender accounts only after a loan was repaid in full.
That changed last week when I received the following email from Kiva:
We are happy to announce that Kiva will now return repayments to lenders
as soon as those repayments are received by Kiva. Because of this
change, you’ll be able to re-lend funds right away instead of waiting
until the end of the loan term. We hope you enjoy this new feature!As a result of this change, $231.44 in Kiva Credit has been released to
you and is now available for you to use. You can re-lend these funds,
donate or withdraw them.