
50 million US$ Kiva loans

Kiva today has reached the milestone of 50 million US$, doubling the loan volume in the last 8 months. I have been lending on Kiva for nearly 2 years now and so far all of my borrowers have repaid me (unlike my MyC4 borrowers). Kiva is doing a very good job in keeping defaults low.

1 loan every 32 seconds

The current – impressive – statistics for Kiva are:

Total value of all loans made through Kiva: $50,023,035
Number of Kiva Lenders: 363,222
Number of loans that have been funded through Kiva: 70,357
Percentage of Kiva loans which have been made to women entrepreneurs: 77.96%
Number of Kiva Field Partners (microfinance institutions Kiva partners with): 93
Number of countries Kiva Field Partners are located in: 42
Current repayment rate (all partners): 98.76%
Current default rate (all partners): 1.24%
Average size of loan for funding: $449.02
Average total amount loaned per Kiva Lender (includes reloaned funds): $137.81
Average number of loans per Kiva Lender: 3.70

The growth is stimulated by a large, active supporter base, that comes up with creative marketing ideas. Did you know that you can build a beard to support Kiva?

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