* Don't invest unless you're prepared to lose money. This is a high-risk investment. You may not be able to access your money easily and are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more

Earn up to 10.26% gross per annum
lending on loans secured on UK Property*

1   Kuflink co-invests up to 5% in Select / Select IF-ISA loans with you*

2   Loans secured against UK property (1st & 2nd legal charges)*

3   Secondary market available

Personal details

We just need a few personal details to get you started. Please ensure all details entered below match your official documentation.

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How it works



Choose the specific deal you'd like to invest in (Select-Invest), or have us diversify your portfolio across a range of deals; we call that Auto-Invest.



It's quick and easy to setup your account, and top up your Kuflink wallet.



Sit back and receive your interest, or alternatively choose to compound and receive your interest and more at the end of the loan term.

Comprehensive Deal Information

We provide a plethora of information for every deal - valuation report, legal documents, borrower credit history information and more. We use a detailed quantitative analysis to evaluate the risk of each and every loan. Our proprietary risk rating allows you to better understand the loan

Trust Pilot Reviews

Dedicated UK based
Investor relations Support

We pride ourselves on our friendly and efficient customer service.

Our Investor Relations team is available on live chat or telephone from 9am - 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.

phone01474 33 44 88
