
Update from Pertuity Direct

That’s the title of an email I’ve just received from PertuityDirect.com, a Virginia based p2p lending service in pre-launch stage. Pertuity Direct announces:

… If you have been keeping tabs on the space, you know that the social lending industry has been pretty interesting over the last two to three months. The guidance that regulators have given with regard to the segment, combined with the fact that consumer loans are still hard to come by, fits perfectly with what we are bringing to market. There is a real need for alternative sources of capital for consumers, as well as new and better investing options. Social lending is a great answer to the problem – and Pertuity Direct is poised to bring it to the mass market.

We are in final preparations to launch immediately after the New Year. All of the pieces are finally in place and we are revving up for Day 1.

We’re excited about 2009 and are looking forward to reaching out to you very shortly as we open for business. …

Since the Loanio delays I am a bit wary of launch dates, but ‘immediately after’ sounds confident – looking forward to the launch in January 2009 then.

Merry Christmas
Which of my predictions for p2p lending trends 2008 came true?