Zopa's new Zopa listings contain several pieces of information. Apart from the "basic information" which include loan amount, loan length, preferred rate, loan purpose, borrower ID, borrower signup date and listing end date, these are:
Credit score
The rating we give to the borrower’s credit score at Callcredit, a UK credit reference agency, relative to other Zopa borrowers
Zopa rating (stars) for the borrower based on income and expenditure details provided by the borrower.
Zopa rating (stars) for the borrower based on details provided by the borrower, such as residence and employment.
Personal profile
Listing text supplied by borrower
Self reported detailed budget (see screenshot above for example)
Lenders can ask questions which the borrower can answer
Lenders are discussing zopa listings in this Zopa forum topic. One information given there is that listing durations which are 12 days right now will vary in future.